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“Quint now has a great relationship with sleep”

Quint was 6 months old when he joined Batelle. His mum would have to rock or feed him to sleep multiple times during the night, leading to a sleep-deprived family. 

Did you think Batelle would work?

Honestly, I wanted to be skeptical but after looking up all the reviews I couldn’t help but feel like somehow it would work. My husband on the other hand was not as convinced. He took me up on doing this, but said if it didn’t work we would be trying the CIO method again and getting our money back!

How would you describe Quint in two sentences?

Quint is a healthy, happy, inquisitive, alert and physically active baby. He enjoys babbling, standing, crawling, laughing, smiling, nursing, sleeping, and playing with his parents and family.

What was your experience with Batelle?

Our experience was awesome! We have truly received the gift of knowing our son feels safe in his own crib/sleep space and we have regained restful uninterrupted sleep. He sleeps through each and every night for 10-12 hours. The support we receive after completing the school is awesome, and we have maintained these results since the 4th night of program.

“Our experience was awesome! We have truly received the gift of knowing our son feels safe in his own crib”

How is Quint’s sleep after completing your program?

Quint now has a great relationship with sleep and much more independence and trust to explore on his own now. He seems happier throughout the day since he’s well rested and he averages 10-12 hours of sleep each night in his crib. His naps are better too, and he no longer cries each and every time he gets tired during the day.

What’s the one thing you’d tell another parent starting the program?

It  truly works. It is a learning curve the first few nights, and may be a little tough, but it is so worth it. Your child will benefit so much from getting proper rest, and you will too! It is truly a game changer and win-win!

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