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“It took Noah 45-60 minutes to fall asleep each night”

Noah, an adventurous four-year-old, used to take up to an hour to get to sleep and was in the habit of going into his parents room during the night. After graduating Sleep School, Noah sleeps through the night in his bed, and is more relaxed and independent in his play during the day.

How was Noah's sleep before joining Batelle?

Overall during the first four years he’s had periods of sleeping better and periods of sleeping less well. We had moved house and stopped giving him milk at bedtime, which made the evening routine really drawn out. It took Noah 45-60 minutes to fall asleep, usually with one of us laying next to him. The house move also got him into the habit of waking up during the night and coming into our bed (any time between 2am and 6am). In the morning he usually woke up as early as 5:30am.

“If we had a second child we wouldn’t hesitate to do Sleep School from 5-6 months”

What was your experience with him at Sleep School and what results did you get?

Sleep School has been life-changing! Noah now goes to sleep within 20 minutes, and I really enjoy reading to him and spending time with him before he goes to sleep. It did take us a bit longer than most to achieve this result, which I put down to the very soft approach we followed with him and that we adapted the process to really fit into our lifestyle. The team was very flexible with these preferences and told us that if we adapt the method it might slow progress down a bit but we would still get there. It did take us longer (about 2 months) but we are happy with the choices we made. As Noah was a bit older, we wanted to make sure he was fully happy with every step in the process.

How is Noah's sleep now?

The additional sleep has been amazing for us, as well as for Noah! One of the first things I noticed after starting Sleep School was how happy and relaxed he was during the day and when he wakes up in the morning. Besides better sleep, Miss Megan has influenced many other aspects of our family life and we have picked up a lot of tips that will help Noah’s development.

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