Happy birthday! You’ve made it through the first year with your little one and now you’re facing the new challenge of the 12-month sleep regression as you become the proud parent of a toddler!
This past year has been a whirlwind of growth, discovery, and navigating the ups and downs of sleep patterns, including the 12-month sleep regression. Take a moment to look back at the extraordinary changes that both you and your little one have navigated in this past year and give yourself a pat on the back—you’ve done an amazing job!
As your little one transitions from a baby to a toddler, the landscape of sleep undergoes significant changes. 12 months is a well-documented time of sleep challenges. This blog is dedicated to helping you understand and navigate these shifts with confidence. The 12-month sleep regression can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and strategies, you can guide your toddler through this period, ensuring a smoother transition for both of you.
Your 12-month-old is likely showcasing their newfound mobility skills like cruising and maybe even taking some steps! They’re also developing fine motor skills, such as using the pincher grasp, waving, and pointing. These exciting physical developments, while a sign of healthy growth, can often trigger the 12-month sleep regression, affecting your little one’s sleep patterns as they’re eager to practice these skills.
This is a thrilling time as your toddler may start uttering their first words. Their receptive language skills are rapidly developing, although they might not yet be able to communicate their thoughts and feelings effectively. This gap can sometimes lead to frustration and tantrums, which may affect their (and your) sleep.
The transition to solid foods is another key milestone that can coincide with the 12-month sleep regression, impacting night-time routines. As your child turns one, solid foods become the main source of nutrition. This transition can sometimes be challenging, with potential picky eating habits emerging. It’s important to ensure they’re getting enough nutrition during the day to prevent hunger-induced wake-ups at night.
For more on this topic, check out our detailed blog.
Coinciding with the exciting physical and cognitive milestones that accompany your little one’s first birthday and mark the 12-month sleep regression, is a shift in sleep needs.
Your toddler is slowly moving towards a one-nap schedule, typically happening between 13-18 months. They need to be able to handle a wake window of about 5 hours to be ready for this change. Transitioning to one nap too soon can lead to overtiredness, resulting in increased wake-ups and early rising.
The first year of your little one’s life has been a remarkable journey of physical growth and development. As you step into the second year, the growth focus shifts towards cognitive and emotional development.
This second year of life is often marked by a ‘language explosion,’ a rapid increase in your little one’s ability to communicate. With this blossoming of language skills comes a surge of big emotions and a growing sense of independence, and these play a part in the 12-month sleep regression.
Navigating this phase requires a delicate balance: setting clear boundaries while effectively communicating them. This approach is crucial not only in day-to-day parenting but also plays a pivotal role in establishing effective bedtime routines. As your little one’s understanding and self-expression evolve, so too will your strategies in guiding them toward a restful night’s sleep.
At Batelle, we understand the complexities of sleep during the 12-month sleep regression. Our approach is designed to adapt to these developmental changes, offering strategies that respect your child’s growing independence while ensuring their emotional and physical needs are met.
The 12-month sleep regression is a normal part of your toddler’s development, and with the right support and strategies, you can navigate it successfully.