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“A perfect little toddler – until bedtime”

At two-and-a-half years old, Luna was a perfect little toddler – until it came to bedtime. She would wake up three, four, or even five times a night, unable to settle. Both Luna and her parents were exhausted, so Luna’s mum reached out to Batelle.

What made you decide to join Batelle?

I reached out to the Batelle team when Luna’s teachers noticed she was tired in class and it became clear that her interrupted sleep was interfering with her ability to learn. Miss Megan talked to us about a training process that would teach Luna coping mechanisms, build emotional resilience, and a foundation of trust. She explained that the method would involve a consistent, predictable and holistic approach coupled with sleeping tools that would offer us flexibility in terms of travel and unpredictable work schedules. She also explained Luna’s learning process, which helped us understand Luna’s emotions.

“As with every transition, Sleep School was not easy, but we quickly started to see her ability to adjust and to develop new skills, which was truly incredible”

How did you and Luna find the Sleep School experience?

As with every transition, Sleep School was not easy, but we quickly started to see her ability to adjust and to develop new skills, which was truly incredible. Then, one day we said goodnight, slowly left the room and, after a brief objection, her head hit the pillow and she chose sleep, all of her own doing.

How is Luna doing post-Sleep School?

By night seven, in a matter of just one week, we would turn on the mantra, kiss her goodnight, and walk out of the room. What this means for us as parents is a daughter that sleeps eleven hours a night, without any interruptions! She wakes up with a bright smile in the morning and is ready to learn.

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