Picture this: It’s 2 a.m., and the house is quiet. You’re jolted awake by the sound of your baby on the baby monitor. As you enter their room, you find your 10-month-old standing in the crib, gripping the rail with tiny hands. The look on their face is one of confusion and distress—they’ve managed to pull themselves up, but now they’re unsure how to get back down. Each attempt to lie them back down is met with resistance and more standing, a cycle of frustration for both of you. This middle-of-the-night wake-up is a common scene for parents during the 10-month sleep regression.
At this age, your baby is not just growing physically; they’re also making significant cognitive and emotional strides. These developments, while an important part of their growth, can introduce a new set of complexities to their sleep patterns. In this blog, we’ll explore the dynamic world of a 10-month-old’s sleep, examining how their developmental achievements, from standing to babbling, impact their nighttime routines and offering strategies to help both you and your baby navigate this exciting, albeit sometimes challenging, phase.
As your baby hits the 10-month mark, they’re likely becoming more mobile. Standing, crawling, and perhaps even taking tentative steps are significant achievements. However, these physical milestones can disrupt sleep in several ways.
Between 8-10 months, babies develop a better understanding of object permanence. They realize that people and objects continue to exist, even when out of sight. This can heighten separation anxiety, especially at night.
For more on this topic, check out our detailed blog post on the subject here
At 10 months, many babies become more vocal, experimenting with sounds and babbling. Babbling at this age often includes a mix of consonant and vowel sounds, and babies start to string these sounds together in a way that mimics the rhythm and pattern of speech. They may also start to use their voice to express emotions and communicate needs, even though they aren’t forming actual words yet.
While not a developmental milestone in the same way as the others we have discussed so far, teething is an ongoing process that can start as early as 4 months and continue until around 2-3 years of age, as your baby’s primary teeth gradually emerge. This process can be a recurring source of discomfort and sleep disruption throughout the early years, and can often coincide with the 10-month sleep regression.
As your baby grows, their sleep needs evolve. By 10 months old, your little one will most likely be on a 2-nap schedule.
Growth and development in infants are wonderfully unpredictable. From physical feats like crawling and standing to cognitive advancements such as understanding object permanence and language development, each new skill your baby acquires can disrupt their sleep patterns in what can feel like a never-ending series of sleep regressions.
Each milestone has its own timeline, varying from one child to another, affecting sleep in different ways and durations. This variability means that there’s no set timetable for how long any particular developmental stage will impact your baby’s sleep.
This unpredictability, while sometimes challenging, offers a chance to embrace the natural rhythm of your baby’s growth. Recognizing that not all aspects of your baby’s sleep are within your control can be liberating. It allows you to focus on adaptable strategies and find a sense of calm amidst the developmental whirlwind.
While the path of development is unpredictable, it doesn’t mean you’re destined for endless sleepless nights. We’re dedicated to making bedtime the most enjoyable part of your day, offering guidance and support tailored to your baby’s specific developmental stage so your whole family can get the best possible sleep.
Whether you’re dealing with the challenges of standing and mobility, navigating separation anxiety, or adjusting to new sleep schedules, Batelle is here to help. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to ensure a good night’s sleep for your entire family.